
Experiments with Shrinking my Garbage Footprint

I wrote this post back in 2017, but left it languishing in my drafts folder. Present day reflection at the end of this article.

“Garbage City”. The city that I live in, Bengaluru, has been conferred this unceremonious moniker in one too many articles of late. An increase in waste generation, poor waste segregation practices, non-operational processing plants and apathy from the citizenry has spawned a growing environmental and health crisis in the city, which has in turn affected the aesthetic beauty of the “Garden City of India”.

And the rest of urban India isn’t far behind. Mumbai, Chennai (link to a previous post on garbage in Chennai), Delhi and Kolkata face their own equally daunting challenges. “According to a World Bank 2015 report, India produces 109,589 tonnes of municipal solid waste a day which is projected to triple to 376,639 tonnes a day by 2025.” [Ref.]

Confronted with these terrifying facts, what is a concerned citizen to do?

Click here to read the rest of this article on Medium